Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 11 Taidong - Changbin

Little friend at Steamed bun place ~ 小朋友在包子店
Constant beauty ~一直好美

I had to stop for a break ~ 需要休息

Very relaxing area ~ 好放鬆的地方

Woke up rather early to pack my things [and unpack my useless, heavy things, mindful of the cold up north, needing to keep warm clothing] Started with another tasty Danbing and sandwich, soy milk and herbal tea, at my friends Breakfast shop. Left at 8 30 for the Train station, to meet GOH staff, and after some Q's, photos, and more Q's I left with some of the best Mochi [small soft round sticky rice cake delicacies!] they gave to me and with two other riders, who will join me on this beautiful day. The road was quiet smooth as we began, and within 10 minutes of riding, we came across some of the most stunning scenery, I'd ever seen so far on the trip, [or in my life] Cool spray of the sea breeze very refreshing, compared to the burning sun. The uphills were slow, but I think for the better, as I am always trying to think how tomorrow could be so much worse. Reaching the top of another mountain, one of GOH staff turned up in a little green car, handing us sweet juicy papaya [my favourite!], and energising bananas. After some photos by the islands edge we continued on to the famous steamed buns place again, and I got to eat these tasty treats [5 this time] for the second time. Leaving satisfied, its always a bonus to have smiley locals fare you well, with a JIA YO! So that is what we did.. It was about another 40-50 kms pushing against strong wind sometimes, but this eventually becomes the norm, and I felt like a machine at times. Still enjoying the ride, and the neverending scenery that goes with it. My two friends had to turn back two towns before Changbin, they handed me bananas and directions, and I was off, again, alone, with my bike and nature, getting better and better with every KM.
I arrived at a nice peaceful place, and layed for a rest, but fell asleep to the sound of the ocean splashing on rocks. Half an hour later I woke, took a deep breath of fresh air and calmly left to ride on. Chang bin seems a nice place, small and peaceful. I found a cheap homestay and after cleaning the bike and a very hot shower, to sooth the legs, I went to fetch some seafood! I met some local young indigenous friends and we drank Taiwan beer, and ate and ate and ate and of course laughed, a lot, until about 1-2am. I do fear that tomorrow could be a painful 90 kms.
Thinking by the sea side ~ 想一想在海邊

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Chang Bin students after class ~ 長濱學生下課


  1. Hi! Adndrew

    Hope we not delay your plan.

    I sent you some photo in your gmail inbox.

    Don't forget you have many friends in Taiwan,especially me, cartman,and camark.

    Good Luck!Your goal is closed.

    Ian 2011.3.2

  2. [翻譯]

    很早就起床收拾我的東西 [並且拿掉用不著又重的東西,注意到北上會比較冷,需要保暖的衣物]。





  3. cartman,and camark, THANK YOU BOTH FOR YOUR BEST WISHES! I will not forget! You OR the beauty of Taiwan!!! :D bYYYY
